Sunday, May 13, 2007

feliz día, mamá

Today is Mother's Day in the USA so I wanted to give a shout out to the greatest mom in the world, Mary Nisbet. I know most people think their mom is pretty great but mine really, really is. For real. Today my mom, dad, and sister are going to climb a hill in Ojai, California and have dinner together to celebrate my mom's birthday and mother's day in one and it's only on rare days like these that I wish I was home. Without the support of both my parents, their voices at the end of the telephone, their kind and encouraging words, and their sense of adventure, I would not be able to continue running around whatever corners of the world tickle my fancy. On June 18th, my parents are coming to visit me for the second time in Buenos Aires and I just can't wait. Their last visit was busted up by a burst eardrum, canceled trip to Iguazu Falls, and domestic issues between Paul and I. So this year's trip will be different, filled with fun and healthy people, and the domestic bliss that Paul and I are enjoying.

In the meantime my blog has been lacking due to finals coming up this week. If anyone has insight into the uses of the presente subjuntivo, pretérito perfecto subjuntivo, imperfecto subjuntivo, pretérito pluscuamperfecto subjuntivo, and the like, I have until Tuesday to get it down. Today I am making cookies, empanadas, and things to make my mother proud to entertain asado guests - a beautiful Sunday tradition.

If you talk to your mom today - tell her you love her and Happy Mother's Day. If you're anything like me, her job ain't that easy.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Clare for teaching me about being a mum. It's the most fun, frustrating. challenging, rewarding and best thing I've ever done. I couldn't have done it without you and thank you for being such a great kid. I'm so proud of you.
Love you.

clarabella said...

awww shucks!!

love you too!!


Anonymous said...

Just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Dear Little Sis

You were the frustrating and challenging bit of my response.


clarabella said...

jules, can it!! and now there is no QUESTION where the EVIL sense of humor comes from.

ahhh, my family... one day i will write great literature about y'all.

Anonymous said...

Awww, tell Mary I love her too.

Anonymous said...

I = Denise. Blogger left that part out.

clarabella said...

Denise - i love YOU! If you'd ever tell me what's going on up there in the Canadian tundra... i'd write a post about how much i love YOU.
