My blog really should just be taken out and shot just to put it out of its misery. There is just so much to say. The past couple of months have been filled with thrills and adventures, tears and laughter. Peeing in semi-public places, burst eardrums, hellacious bus rides full of cockroaches, having my heart broken, then put back together, flying like a bird with a paragliding champ, sleeping for a month in hostels, eating steak sandwiches like every day is my last on earth, becoming re-addicted to cigs and diet coke, whipping through books one a day, travelling from the tropical north to the farthest south you can go before jumping the boat to Antarctica, laughing to tears with Julie, and feeling very, very restless.
This link should take you to a small selection of photos from my trip with little Julie... around Argentina in 30 days.