Saturday, March 24, 2007

poker, picadas y los pinche porteños

I was wondering if it would actually be possible to get all of my favorite things into a single post when my favorite night of the week returned to haunt me - poker night. Last night we were joined by the incomparable Gena Mavuli, her friend M.E., M.E.'s Bolivian boyfriend whose name (but not personality) escapes me, and their Brazilian friend Rodrigo.

Poker night is always good for fun. The evening moved beautifully from tasty picaditas and empanadas, to brownies and cookies, to far too much beer and wine. Conversation drifted from why Hold 'Em is the most jodido game of poker in the world (and naturally so since everything from Texas is jodido), to how great it is (this mostly came from those with giant stacks of chips), and around to a subject that we were all violently agreed on - that porteños are the most jodido people in the world. Lots of laughs were shared on this one. God bless porteños for being a constant source of amusement and entertainment in mixed company.

It was all going swimmingly until Gena stepped up and won all the chips like a rockstar. Even low stakes poker comes with a pinch and pocket jacks sting like a bee. For me, it was nice to see another female take the big prize after the men consumed too many beers but Gena will have to come back soon so that I might have my vengeance. When you don't have the cards, you don't have the cards...

Saturday morning beckons me back with thoughts of crosswords, Scrabble games, and bike rides. I will try not to shoot myself in the meantime while my two elderly neighbors are rocking out like teenagers to the dulcet sounds of Phil Collins. Mal estilo porteño knocks from all sides.


Mabardi said...

when you don't have the cards... you don't have the cards.... funny, you kind of forgot that slogan in vegas. flap out

clarabella said...

what can i say?! i am a sucker for slots...
we all have our vices.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.