The headlines of today's newspapers around Argentina include a smattering of news of statements made by President Néstor Kirchner yesterday during his visit to Mexico. Sounds like the Argentine president made some bold and much-needed statements about the US plan to build a wall off the Mexican border. The whole story can be read by
clicking here. Say what you want about Latin American policies, presidencies, and pundits but when they are right, they are right. Kirchner is saying what too many nations are not saying about the US's ridiculous and frivolous plan. I suppose it is more nauseating for me on the heels of an evening where I couldn't make it past the first 30 minutes of
Sicko because sympathetic tears turned into a hysterical near-panic attack when faced with some of the atrocities being swept under the rug back home. The fact that my tax money is being spent to build a country-wide fence and not to ensure that our parents as well as ourselves will one day die peacefully in a bed is just... well, sick.
My mind is just reeling. These things are particularly indigestible when faced with the idea of finally having to go home and face them. The point is that, in this case, Kirchner is right. The wall is wrong. It is a hideous affront to the world and must not be tolerated. While Argentina has a long way to go in some respects, it's worlds ahead in others.
Because the devil needs an advocate, I'll leave the first comment...
Yes, the wall is wrong and sends a too-strong and insulting message to the world. However, in the absence of US political leadership, a desire from congress to really work with the president and vice-versa,and a general putting-aside of the immigration issue by policy-makers, there are a scarce few other options. It IS a better option than sending all illegal immigrants home.
Neither the US nor any other country in the world can have an open-door immigration policy. The border to Mexico is enormous, and nearly impossible to patrol; and it shouldn't have to so meticulously patrolled. Ideally, the Mexican government would get its act together and do their share of the work towards solving the illegal problem by cleaning up the filthy police force and enforcing laws on their side of the border.
Also, Mexico would not have a wall being built if its government took their people's interests in mind, redirected some of Mexico's oil-money to the people and not the politicians pocket-books. People don't cross dangerous borders in the middle of the night if their situation is good at home. They do face dangerous situation if their families need to eat and there are few or no options available at home.
Argentina's comment is... on the edge of useless aside from political games and on who's table Kirchner dines at. Its cheap, costs them nothing because of simple geography; the issue has little or nothing to do with Argentina, and Argentina will feel likely no affects of any policy that happens around US immigration. So Kirchner, while that was quaint- why not say/do something more helpfull to Argentinos, like work on the increasing inflation issue for example?
If Mexico thinks that the US is being unfare, cruel, rude, or any other adjective, they might better be served at re-examining their local policies and economic/employment situation and applying some criticizm.
And,Yes, I know that Mexico signed the US promoted NAFTA, but the Mexican government at the time was a promoter of NAFTA- whose effects we are feeling today in the form in immigration. Again, Mexico could have, should have held a firmer line if the Mexican population was truly a concern for the policy makers...I fear their personal pocketbooks were a higher priority.
In the end, each country's responsibility is their own citizens. When soverign states take care of their own so that they won't want to escape at nearly any cost, including potentially their life, then the US can start to have more simpathetic policies. Right now,its worried about its own citizens- no matter where they are from.
(oh, I can't wait for comments on this!)
yeah, well.
few other options? flahbeldeefleeeeeee there are millions of other options. our lack of leadership is soooo good at spin control that they throw up their hands, say 'we are out of options and building a big WALL.' and we say 'okie dokie'. NOOO. we must demand more. they are not out of options and the wall is just fucking silly.
sending illegal immigrants home might be an option if there was any, ANY normal way to be part of / AFFORD they immigration process. (MINE for example took upwards of 10 years and THOUSANDS, THOUSANDS of dollars. i speak english, i'm white, i was not a refugee, and did not need a lawyer. compared to most, it was a walk in the park). but the system is rediculous and unaffordable (sound familiar?) so illegality is the only choice.
you say: "The border to Mexico is enormous, and nearly impossible to patrol; and it shouldn't have to so meticulously patrolled. Ideally, the Mexican government would get its act together and do their share of the work towards solving the illegal problem by cleaning up the filthy police force and enforcing laws on their side of the border."
i agree. but mexico won't and THE WALL IS NOT GOING TO HELP.
as for mexican/ argentine politics. i'm not going into it. it's not about that. of COURSE kirschner is playing games. never said he wasn't. i just agreed with this particular statement he made that the wall is an effing farse.
i never said mexico was number 1, never said mexico couldn't afford to do more to help its citizens, NEVER said illegal immigration wasn't a problem, and never said that kirchner wasn't a giant douche bag.
i said the wall is stupid/ wrong/ rediculous/ another mountain of wasted money from the bush administation (sound familiar) / not going to help.
you say: "In the end, each country's responsibility is their own citizens. When soverign states take care of their own so that they won't want to escape at nearly any cost, including potentially their life, then the US can start to have more simpathetic policies. Right now,its worried about its own citizens- no matter where they are from."
oh that's a nice thought if it was true. it's not. CITIZENS are being deported and arrested and shipped off and sent home too. this is not about protecting US citizens, it's about showing the world where there is TOO MUCH MONEY and how we plan to spend it as we watch people die of starvation.
this is not about mexico. it is CERTAINLY not about argentina. this is about the US.
and one bad decision.
where is bush going to get all that cheap labor to build the thing anyway??? oh wait...
Hi Claradarlin...
Ok, I do not know about the part where citizens are getting deported... I have no info one way or the other. Sounds like Patriot Act bullshit more than immigration issues (yes, I realize those two can certainly be interrelated)..
Yes, the wall IS about the US, which is exactly my point. Thus, it being about the US, why should Mexico, Argentina, or any other state give a rats ass? Oh, wait- that is because if the stupid thing should actually work,then Mexico will have to actually deal with its economic and employment issues instead of simply looking the other way as its population wades north.
I agree, its about US policy. Our immigration process does suck, on major levels. No,I do not think the wall is the right answer. But it is AN answer. At the very least,it is starting conversations and ideally, making people look at the system and try to find a comprehensive answer- like the one failed on its way through congress- instead of simply shrugging and letting inertia take the country into a place of increasing economic, social and political disparities as illegal immigration continues, schools overflow, and social systems reach their bursting point.
Sending immigrants home even IF we had the money would be shooting ourseleves in the foot, crippling an economy that relies on imported labor. Thats not a solution, thats a silly threat with nothing to back it up.
Yes, the US wealth should be going to places within the country other than wars on foreign soil, but thats not quite the issue here either...
The wall is silly, ridiculous and sends a terrible message abroad. BUT, I think if we disagree so much it is then our job to do something, pressure senators and congressmen to come up with a BETTER plan...uncontrolled immigration will not help anyone in the long run.
Amen sister, I do love you...
I read the other posts and want to mention that in regards to sending illegals home it is by far the meanest option. My roommate is a highschool teacher who told me that several student's parents have been recently deported, and they must go with them. They have never been to Mexico, and are almost 18. Their parents were snared in the "ICE" raids, which basically targeted business where long-term illegal residents worked.
I have no answers. Personally I wish we opened the borders of the Americas completely...but I am a romantic.
hi kat,
romance away, i'm right there with you.
thanks for visiting. thanks more for commenting. come back soon.
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