Happy Belated Blog Birthday to Jules, my sister, my partner in crime to whom I owe several nights sleep, a lifetime supply of Titas and empanadas, several apologies for silly arguments, a few 24 box sets, and a really big birthday cake next year when I am home and with whom I share an undying love of Zack Morris, a few physical traits that make people think we are twins, Network-TV-Slutism, half my heart, and my entire funny bone. I couldn't be more diffirent nor more exactly like both my sisters. I couldn't be more proud of them. I couldn't miss them more. Happy Old-Girl Birthday, Jules. I wish you happy barbequing in Goleta and fistfulls of Mary cake with a side of bad TV.
Awww shucks! I'm honored! Thanks for the shout out. Sorry if I was completely out of it when we talked the other day. I don't remember much of it because I was so completely exhausted. I miss you TONS. I haven't gotten whatever it is you bought me yet, but I KNOW I'll LOVE it. I did get the Titas which are AMAZING although, I still kind of have about 250 from the huge box you sent with Jenny. There are two things in this world that you can't have too many of...Titas, and Empanadas =) And number twee....I did not chase, no old lady, wid a hammer!
you guys kill me...
Very glam photo of you Clare!
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